Just a brief one - I'm back from Washington where I had an honor to talk for the LCSNA. More information in the next post.
Monday, April 28, 2008
LCSNA Spring 2008 Meeting.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Stinehour Press to Close
What a very sad news! The Stinehour Press, printer, which printed my "Alice in Wonderland" will shut down by the end of Spring.
"The Stinehour Press, one of the country’s best known independent printers of high-end illustrated books, will shut down by the end spring. The announcement was made Monday by CEO Warren Bingham who, with a group of investors, acquired the company in 2002 after the multinational company that bought the press from the Stinehour family in 1998 said it planned to close the printer..." read more
Monday, April 7, 2008
Unknown photo concluded
Yes, that was April 1 joke (previous post), several different pictures a bit glue (clue) and scissors and - voila! New "unknown" finding - auction ready.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Unknown photo of Lewis Carroll
I've found this photo in Toronto's City Hall Archive, section of Arts and Literature. Obviously this is just a photocopy, not original. Text is almost unreadable, but no doubts there is in caps: CHARLES LUTWIDGE DODGSON and Ms. ALICE LIDDELL. Small italic letters couldn't read just the date: 1862, but I'm not sure. Who knows more about it, or has bigger image, please let me know. Click here to enlarge